Arena T21 : Best Resource Strategies

There are several secrets I kept for myself in order to get an advantage in Arena at least with respect to scoring. It’s time I disclose them.

1. One tip is to accumulate rare fodders which you do not need for other competitive modes. Say, you have an extra copy of Leila or Selena that you know you don’t need more of them to perform better in AR, and both giving LnD4 and Rally+ or, say, you have a manual with Rally+ and another manual with Tier 4 A-slot that you don’t need in AR (Spd/Res Solo 4). Now fodder those two premium skills to your bonus unit, and add Aether from Chrom. Once the bonus week is over, all of these 4 skills can all be recycled to the next bonus unit.

The ideal scenario is foddering a unit with complete skill set, like duo Corrin or Ronan, as they give Tier 4 A- and C-skills as well as Rally+ but until Atk/Spd Push 3 or Swift Stance 2 are available in the common pool, you can wait and keep one such copy as a manual for the future.

One tricky requirement is needing enough copies of the said unit giving you the Tier 3 A-skill you need. Be it LnD 3, Fury 3, Spd/Res Solo 3. So look closely at how many manuals you have before starting the procedure.

Another requirement is the number of feathers but unless you repeat the procedure every two weeks, you’re unlikely to be low on feathers.

2. An alternative way to the above tip, is keeping rare units who give Duel 4 skills for whenever you can fodder them. Some of these units are not meta impactful or don’t require many merges to be functional. Such as Otr, Ashe, Azelle, Inigo etc. Instead of giving these skills to your arena core, as most people would advise, I believe the best usage is using those on the bonus unit before recycling. At this moment, 180 BST is not enough to stay at T21, score increases even faster than I could ever imagine. Your current arena core will last several month, while the method of recycling Duel 4 skills to Gen 1 units will last much longer, even though you would use them very rarely.

Think that very old Gen 1 units averaging 145-150 BST would benefit so much from these Duel skills. Saving you tons of crests. If you think not having offensive A-skills like Push or LnD drasticaly reduces the chance of getting the bonus kill (if the bonus unit is someone like Merlinus for instance…) then go back to tip n°1.

3. If you refine preference weapons you know that you’re going to use regularly for competitive modes and only when it’s absolutely necessary, you may have some excess dews. In this case, when you have an old unit featured as bonus unit, you have the opportunity to refine the weapon so as to ease your Arena experience. Of course, if you recycle premium skills, the dews are “wasted”. But in reality it’s much better than randomly refining weapons you’re never going to use.

I have refined countless old units just because their weapon looked interesting or unique, but I never used them, not even in AA or PvE modes. The fact a weapon looked solid on paper does not mean you need it. Dews should be your last resort decision. Powercreep runs so fast even though the refines are becoming better when measured on an absolute scale, they become weaker when measured on a relative scale.

4. Slot number is a trick I rarely use because I’m too lazy to look at this page. It shows you for each map which unit position belongs to which slot number. This is relevant here because when two foes have the same distance with respect to the closest of their enemy, the deciding factor depends now on the slot number. Lower distance foe moves first. But if distance is equal, then it’s the lower slot which moves first. So write on a paper the slot number for each foe so you won’t forget as you play. If you still don’t care about doing this when playing, then remember this at least. The unit featured on the preview screen, pretty much like AR, is the n°1 slot.

When calculating distance, always remember that trenches upwardly impact distance on cavalries or waterpools and mountains may downwardly impact distance on fliers. Look carefully at the position of all units.

5. Maybe you figured this out already, but always prioritize legendary/mythic banners for your orbs. These units age better, because they are required for many different modes. The new Summoner Duels require Legendaries as bonus and as providing stats. Not only focusing on legendary banners increases your chance at increasing merges on the important legendary units, but also when they come as bonus unit, you wouldn’t use feathers for merging bad units.

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